Surface Modification

A wide range of textural or visual finishes applied to a material that alter its surface properties

About Surface Modification

Laser surface modification encompasses a wide range of textural or visual finishes applied to a material that alter its surface properties. Unique results like faded textures, micron-scale alterations, and complex designs can be achieved that would otherwise be impossible with traditional manufacturing methods. These non-contact processes are easy to automate and do not require consumables, making them cost-effective on even the most challenging materials. Laser systems offer micron-level precision with extreme repeatability.

Properly paired laser and beam delivery will ensure consistent quality results. Ultrafast or pulsed lasers with outstanding beam characteristics can create precise pattern geometries while minimizing heat effects. XY gantries or high-speed scan heads are used as beam delivery, depending on the material, size and shape of the mark zone, and required throughput. Regardless of the exact application, high accuracy and excellent speed are necessary to ensure pattern placement and repeatability while meeting manufacturing production goals.

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Surface Modification Can Include:
  • Altering physical properties (creating hydrophobic or bacterial resistant surfaces)
  • Aesthetic texturing or patterning
  • Altering surface roughness
  • Enhancing durability
  • Altering conductivity
  • Altering thermal properties
  • Preparing surfaces for subsequent processes (gluing, painting, ceramic applications)
  • Laser mold texturing
  • Altering flow dynamics
  • Increasing bio-compatibility of medical implants and prosthetics
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Precision Processing

Micron-level accuracy, high repeatability, and reliable solutions