Pushing the boundaries of scientific research
Novanta can provide a range of lasers and beam steering components that are at the cutting-edge of technology, with high specifications to ensure the precise and most accurate equipment for your laboratory set up. Our remote connection offering enables hands-free use of the lasers within the lab for safe and easy integration.
Increase the energy of selected pulses in an optical amplifier with a low energy pulse source with high repetition rate
Solutions for applications in high-electric field and attosecond physics
Broadband ultrafast lasers to expand Raman-based measurements
CEP stable pulses drive a high order harmonic generation process, resulting in the emission of a shot to shot in phase attosecond pulse train
Detect defects, surface flatness or uniformity in waters
Image offset lithography plates coated with photosensitive emulsions directly with laser systems
Enable precision optical frequency measurements
Investigate inter molecular forces by trapping a number of particles in different laser beams
High stability laser sources for Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
Increase throughput without losing precision whether line scanning or point Raman
High-speed time-domain spectroscopy solutions
A green pump laser as the crucial component of the oscillator as it is the source of the initial photons that cascade through the system
Evaluate carrier relaxation, lattice vibrations, and other collective dynamic phenomena in solids, semiconductors and gases