There are different causes which can prevent the system from lasing or modelocking. Please check the following steps to ensure this is not caused by an external factor. For gecco systems please ensure to check steps 1 – 6 prior to any cleaning or realignment. For venteon systems also include step 7. Please switch the system off completely (including power supply unit), wait for approximately 30min and restart the system. Please ensure that the cooling system is running properly: a. Are the tubes connected? b. Is the chiller switched on? c. Is the fluid circulating? d. What are the temperatures of the laser head and power supply unit and are the temperatures settling?) Please ensure that all cables and the interlock connector are secured properly at the laser head and/or at the power supply unit. Please ensure that the key is turned to the ‘on’ position, the ‘Laser’ button is pressed and that the warm up phase is finished. Please check if there is any damage or kink visible on the fibre. Please ensure that the laser head is mounted on a flat and clean metallic surface with no more than a torque of 2Nm. If the base, where the laser head is mounted on, is slightly bent, if there is some debris between the laser head and the base or if the laser head is mounted with more than 2Nm, the screwing down can lead to a bending of the laser housing, which affects performance. Please make sure that both the bottom face of the laser and the table are clean and screw it gently down while observing the output power. The power should not change by more than 2%. For venteon systems please move the motorized dispersion wedge in the counter clockwise (-) direction and try to start modelocking. For gecco and venteon systems please clean optics according to the manual if previous steps did not solve problem. For gecco and venteon systems please realign the cavity according to the manual if previous steps did not solve problem. If the problem still occurs please contact our support team Related to: venteon/ taccor/ gecco